The Critical Distance Media Lab turned 7 today!

The Critical Distance Media Lab turned 7 today!

Empowering Digital Storytellers

I realise I need a mantra not a Mission Statement for Critical Distance.

Empowering Digital Storytellers” probably sums it up for the moment. That means looking at relevant emerging technology, but also examining business plans to achieve some form of sustainable funding.

So can money be made when “information wants to be free”? That single quote which keeps popping up seems to go back to the late 1950’s. But what Stewart Brand said at a Hackers Conference in 1984 was much more than this. And the phrases that he added have inspired me.

On the one hand information wants to be expensive, because it’s so valuable. The right information in the right place just changes your life. On the other hand, information wants to be free, because the cost of getting it out is getting lower and lower all the time. So you have these two fighting against each other.

I certainly believe that access to the right information, at the right time, on the right platform improves and saves lives. I am currently looking at new methods to make clearer stories - from intelligent real-time graphics to programme formats that involve the public rather than trying to “broadcast” at them. My work in Africa, Europe and South East Asia already shows that every country is at a different stage of development. But digital storytelling is growing in surprising ways and innovation is happening at the edges of broadcast, mobile and social media. Adapting the right mix is the key to success, and I am fortunate to run a knowledge network of specialists who are passionate about finding new paths that are fit for purpose.

Analogue Navigation Aid

Analogue Navigation Aid

Playing Devil’s Advocate in the Orchestra of Change

What’s driving me in 2014?

Five words drive me forward. Listen. Research. Analyse. Decide. Act.

I love doing all of these, either leading a group or part of a collaboration network.

I strive to be as a catalyst for change within various branches of the global media industry. That means inspiring teams to think differently and encouraging people to look sideways. These are confusing times, with a jungle of technologies emerging.

Public broadcasting, as an island, has had its day. It was fun. But it is over. On the other hand, public service media, of which radio and TV are still an important part, have never been more important than now.

Journalism and feature production is going through challenging times. But I do see some excellent projects blossoming, being involved in some of them.  

I have always believed that the most effective way of communicating a message is by evolving from a shouting towards a sharing model. I share what I can through various blogs. They are unashamedly specialist. I am not using them to market Critical Distance. I am simply curating and sharing some of the content I find on my media safaris.

I am passionate that these are evolutionary times and we can learn a lot by putting our heritage into a modern context.